It is surmised that this method of treatment must have taken roots,when efforts were made to modify the system of acupunture by discarding the use of needles.Acupressure means that the treatment is done by putting pressure on various points in the body,and the disease got rid off.the westen countries have given it another name.They called it REFLEXOLOGY.It is now accepted that many imbalances of the body,blood vesels and arteries as also obstacles in the flow of blood can be cured by this system.It is a new system that has widened the horizons of the medical world and plced a painless and easy way of curing diseases in the hands of the medical fraternity
The American doctor.William Fritgerald,who restored this system of treatment to its rightful place in the world of medicine,has written in one of his article,"The human body is a very complicated machine.It has many sensitive parts.
Brain,digestivesystem,eyes,ears,nose,tongue,skin,heart,lungs,kidneys,arteries and veins,blood vessels are separate parts,but they wark in such harmonious manner that it evokes nothing but admiration.It is really a miracle how they work in conjunction with each other,Like all other man made machines,nature has also made human beings in such a manner that if some part of this machine develops some defect it can be set right by pressing the invisible button that controls it."
In Ramayana we find the story of aduel between Bali and Sugriva.Sugrive is thoroughly beaten by his brother Bali and rushes to Lord Ram.Ram is able to alleviate his pain by touching his body.According to accupressre experts this method of treatment was developed in ancient India and was widely used.
During the Maurya period, this technique was adopted by Buddhist priests who made many changes in his technique and introduced new innoviations.In the fag end of nineteenthcentury Dr. Fritzgerald revived it