मंगलवार, 2 सितंबर 2014

AOK Ion Detox Foot Bath

How does it work?
The AOK Ion Foot Bath is similar to walking on the sand along the edge of the

ocean, only it is more powerful because your feet are in direct contact with the ions being made in the saltwater of the foot bath.  Water has an almost perfect balance of positive and negative ions.  Since the body is composed of about 70% water, its ability to interact with water is very high.  When you immerse your feet into the ionized water, the vibrational frequency of the water will affect
the vibrational frequency of the body due to the interaction of the magnetic and
electrical fields.  It is an exceptionally wonderful and natural healing tool. 
It is painless, with no side effects.

With an Ion Detox Foot Bath, each treatment session lasts about for 30
minutes. One treatment per week is suggested for up to four weeks. Drink plenty of water during the day before your session. 

What are the effects?
Due to poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive
quantities of waste products.  During a 30-minute session, the ions enter your
body and begin to neutralize these tissue acid wastes.  As believed in
Reflexology, each foot is actually a channel, a conduit, through which your body
attempts to cleanse itself of toxic wastes and heavy metals that are building up
in many parts of your system.  During the foot bath you will actually see the
cleansing process take place as the water interacts with the sea salt and
magnetic field created by the AOK array.  This cleansing process results in the
correct frequency required for the cells to return to a healthy state, and to
release waste that has been bonded to them over the years.

Colour of the Water
Many colors and objects appear in the water during the Ion Cleanse sessions.
The following table shows what the colors in the water represent.

Color  of the Water                        Area of  the body it represents
yellow-green                                detoxifying  from the kidney, bladder, urinary tract,
                                                     female/prostate area

orange                                          detoxifying  from joints

brown                                           detoxifying  from liver, tobacco, cellular debris

black                                              detoxifying  from liver

dark  green                                   detoxifying  from gallbladder

white  foam                                  lymphatic  system

white  cheese-like particles         yeast

black  flecks                                 heavy  metals

red  flecks                                    blood  clot material

What are the healing benefits?
Here's a partial list:

  • Liver detoxification, reduce heavy metal
  • Increase in energy
  • Balance Body PH levels
  • Boost metabolism and memory
  • Enhance Immune system
  • Provide significant pain relief
  • Improve sexual health
  • Relieves Insomnia
  • Helps prevent Acne and other skin conditions
  • Liver, Kidney and Parasite cleanse

The use of the Aok Ion Detox system is not recommended for:

  • people  with a Pacemaker or any other battery-operated or electrical
  • any one on heartbeat regulating medication
  • people currently undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy
  • pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers
  • organ transplant recipients
  • type 1 diabetics
  • persons having had an organ removed, especially the colon
  • people with open wounds on their feet
  • people taking a medication, the absence of which would mentally or
    physically incapacitate them, e.g., psychotic episodes, seizures, et

users should also be aware of the following:

  • People  with low blood sugar should eat before treatment session.
  • If taking prescription medication, take med's after or at least six hours
    prior to a Aok Ion detoxification  session.
  • Because the Aok Cell Cleanse  is designed to eliminate toxins that the
    kidney and liver cannot eliminate on their own, as a general rule, it may be
    used by persons on dialysis or by those diagnosed with diabetes or congestive heart failure. However, people  with these conditions, or any other medical condition, should consult their physician prior to implementing the Aok Ion detoxification as part of their healing  program.
  • As the Aok Ion Foot bath pulls toxins from the bloodstream it may also cause valuable electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium) to be purged from the body. To replenish the body, users are strongly encouraged to take  supplements  that provide the aforementioned minerals, preferably in liquid form, as well as fatty acids and vitamin C. Some people replace  minerals  with natural food sources, concentrated foods such as vegetable juices or superfoods
    (chlorella, greens+, green phyto-power, etc).
  • Users should be properly hydrated prior to and after each foot bath

Please note that the machine does not cure
anything; it is your body that does the work. Once we have used the machine to
enable your body to re-balance its bio-energetic fields, self-detoxification is
stimulated. When the electro-magnetic fields are balanced, the body's organs
will naturally function better. The AOK program does not intend to diagnose,
treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any disease. 

See More about Detoxification


एक टिप्पणी भेजें