stream of positive and negative ions (charged atoms) which attract and attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles and draws them out of the body through the skin. Each session takes about 30 minutes.The array goes into the water with the hands feet or body and the power supply delivers a small amount of direct current into the array which causes the metals within it in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions.These are some of the benefits that you will experience from using the Detox Foot Spa. Relax for 30 minutes while your body's natural detoxification process is aided and unwanted impurities are eliminated through the pores in your feet.Stress and poor diet introduces toxins to your body, causing an imbalance in the natural energy
within its cells. It is the natural function of the cells to absorb nutrients and excrete waste products. Any imbalance can prevent the cells from performing this function efficiently.How does it work?The Detox Foot Spa apparatus produces a frequency (from the array placed in the middle of the footbath), which resonates gently through the body and stimulates all the cells within it. This has the effect of re-balancing the cellular energy, thus enabling the cells to perform efficiently and to release any toxins that may have built up. The body is therefore more likely to be healthy, allowing the body to restore its natural healing energy levels.Promote metabolism and blood circulationImprove the sleep effectivelyRelease fat cells that hold toxinsBoost energy levelsReduce allergies and flue symptomsNo sweat, no exercise, and no special dietPurely water reaction without any side effect safe and effective;
Improve metabolism reinforce immunity remove inferior health;Deeply protection inner and outer detoxify kinds of toxins and virus effectively;
Reduce blood sugar balance blood fat and pressure alleviate gout rheumatism and injuries; Moderate the incretion system balance the PH and keep your body systems in working order.Some Figures to show the benefit of Detox Foot Spa on the body after two treatments
Before And After |
Before And After |
Before And After |
Before And After |
Free radicals appears less after 2 treatments |
The Blood viscosity level is down after 30 mins |
Health Benefits of Foot Spa
5 steps to detox, and 5 benefits of ridding your body of toxins
When it comes to body cleansing, detox is about more than just diet, although that is an important place to start. Toxins build up in our blood but also on our skin, in our hair and even on the clothes we wear. So to fully detox your body, you need to tackle the issue on all fronts. These steps can help.
Step 1: Detox your diet
Convenience is the name of the game for most consumers in this day and age, and all too often we rely on processed foods that are not only laden with fat and calories, but also with preservatives and other chemicals. If you're a meat eater, you may also be getting hormones and antibiotics that have been given to livestock as part of factory farming. Even fruits and vegetables often contain toxins such as pesticides.
Eliminating processed foods, caffeine and alcohol, among other substances, and switching to organic whole foods and grain-fed meat and dairy is an important first step in detoxing your body. Some body detox regimens recommend a fasting period or an Ayurvedic diet to jump-start the body detoxification process.
Step 2: Sweat it out
Exercise is not only a crucial part of wellness, but, when you perspire, it also helps to purge your body of impurities. Make a point of working up a sweat several times a week.
Step 3: Revisit your suds
Have you read the ingredients on your shampoo bottle lately? What is that stuff anyway? Soaps, shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, deodorants, and other skincare and beauty products are typically full of chemicals and household toxins, and these build up over time on skin, hair and nails.
Fortunately, organic varieties and specifically labeled detox shampoos and soaps are available. There are even homemade options, such as baking soda solutions for breaking down oils in your scalp. But you may have to retool your thinking on products you have been using for body cleansing for many years.
Step 4: Redo your laundry
Have you ever noticed how detergent and fabric softener can build up on clothing after many washes? Consider the fact that this clothing is against your skin nearly all day, every day, not to mention the time you spend between the linens on your bed.
So, part of a comprehensive body-cleansing plan should include tossing out those chemical-laden jugs of traditional laundry detergent in favor of less toxic, organic varieties. And consider hanging your clothes on a clothesline to dry — this method is much greener than running an energy-hogging dryer.
Step 5: Consider your threads
While we're talking clothing, remember that natural, loose-knit textiles allow your skin to breathe. Of course, you should go for something more tightly knit if you'll be out in the sun for prolonged periods of time, and certain situations may call for protective clothing.
Step 6: Breathe
The most important element running through your bloodstream is oxygen — and your body needs lots of it. Breathing helps circulate oxygen to the tissues of your body and circulate toxins away. Deep breathing through meditation or guided imagery is a great way to detox your body and mind. There's a reason they call them "cleansing breaths"!
Five benefits of body detox
Like it or not, toxins are everywhere — in the food we eat, in the air we breathe, even in the blood babies get from their mothers before they are born. And toxins have been blamed for a host of conditions ranging from heart disease and cancer to migraines and autism. While research is still looking into these claims, there are some clear body detox benefits.
Once you do get started, keeping the benefits of detox in mind may help motivate you to stick with your program.
1. Feeling lighter and brighter
Many people report feeling lighter and more focused during their body detox diets. This may have to do with simply eating less and cutting out substances, such as alcohol, that may cloud your mind.
2. Increased energy
Giving up caffeine, eating fewer high-calorie foods, fasting — to some, this might sound like a recipe for barely being able to get out of bed. But many people report feeling more energetic as a benefit of detox. Of course, cutting out caffeine can also produce some less-than-desirable symptoms like headaches, so you may want to wean yourself from your morning coffee before beginning a detox program.
3. More restful sleep
On the flipside, even though you may feel more energetic during the day when on a "cleaner" diet, chances are you'll rest better at night, too.
4. Better bowel movements
Body detox diets typically emphasize fiber-rich, whole fruits and vegetables and lots of fluids, which are known to aid in digestion and elimination and help to rid the body of toxins. Particularly if you previously ate a lot of processed foods, you may notice increased regularity, though some people experience constipation early on as their bodies adjust.
5. Lower risk for chronic conditions
While the jury is still out on whether toxins play a role in specific diseases, opting for more whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, and eliminating the long list of foods most body detox diets put on the "no" list may result in weight loss, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and improved factors that are known to increase your risk for heart disease, cancer and other conditions.
Please Note : This device is not a medical treatment. By removing your body's toxins and cellular debris, it promotes healthier function of your body organs. This shall not be considered as a cure but a catalyst for natural healing.
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